Monday, August 2, 2010

Following Wool Back to the Source

We received a wonderful package the other day from one of our sponsors, Icebreaker which we were really stoked about.  Not only is their clothing well made but the fit and finish of the product is always spot on.
What I found so interesting was that Icebreaker, in their infinite wisdom, has come up with this idea of a baacode.  Each item comes with a special code that allows you, the new and proud owner, to trace the wool back to where it has come from.  This idea, as explained by Icebreaker - 

"With most of the things you buy, you're told little or nothing about how they're made. Icebreaker is different.
We have a deep commitment to animal welfare, the welfare of the people who work with us, and the environment. And we have nothing to hide.
Your unique Baacode will let you see the living conditions of the high country sheep that produced the merino fibre in your Icebreaker garment, meet the farmers who are custodians of this astonishing landscape, and follow every step of the supply chain. We're sure you'll find the experience as inspiring as we do. Enjoy your journey back to the source."

So, the socks that we received came from this farm station while our shirts came from a collective of farms.  What makes this idea so exciting is that you get to actually see (and sometimes watch a video) the farmers, the number of sheep, the size of the farm and satellite photos of the farm.  A stunningly brilliant and simple idea.

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